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Q&A with Brad Frost

Web designer, speaker, writer, and consultant

I am a web designer, speaker, writer, and consultant located in beautiful Pittsburgh, PA. I spend my time thinking about how to make Web experiences that look and function beautifully across as many connected devices as possible. I've made a few tools and resources about web design: Pattern Lab, This Is Responsive, Mobile Web Best Practices, WTF Mobile Web, and more. I'm passionate about the Web and is constantly tweeting, writing and speaking about it.

I spend my time thinking about how to make Web experiences that look and function beautifully across as many connected devices as possible.


I have a Macbook Air hooked up to a Cinema Display. I like the combination of a lightweight, portable machine that can be hooked up to a larger screen when I'm at home.


I spend a lot of time in Sublime Text 2, Pattern Lab, Tower for Mac, Transmit,  Keynote, IA Writer, Harvest, Concentrate, Icomoon, and other Web-based services.

Dream setup

One where I didn't have to skip around so damn much. I used to use Coda 2, which is a great program as it put a lot of my workflow into one piece of software. But it's not as powerful of a code editor, so I begrudgingly gave it up.

I'd also love to be able to block out a lot of the distractions so that I can get more things done. Concentrate helps me with that, but it only goes so far.


I'm heavily inspired by music. I'm a musician and play every day. The two most inspiring things I've ever read/watched are a book called The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything by Sir Ken Robinson and a documentary called Tom Dowd & the Language of Music.